The Ultimate Taste Test 2013 at Rockwell

The time has come to once again enjoy the fun of being a food critic for a day through Our Awesome Planet and San Miguel Lifestyle BrewsThe Ultimate Taste Test 2013.

Now on its 11th roll and the 3rd time in partnership with Rockwell, The Ultimate Taste Test 2013 will once again rock the foodie world on September 14, 2013 from 11am to 9pm at The Rockwell Tent, Powerplant Mall.

the UTT poster

I have always been a fan of food feasts such as The Ultimate Taste Test and based on my previous UTT experiences, I am confident that this 11th installment will be equally delightful.

Details:What: Rockwell's Ultimate Taste Test: Be a Food Critic for a Day!
When: September 14, 2013, Saturday, 11.00 am - 9.00 pm.
Where: Rockwell Tent
Ultimate Taste Test  Fee: Php 585/head.


Ultimate Taste Test 2013 Ticket is priced at Php 585 each, inclusive of; 
  • Food Taste Portions from a minimum of 40+ Home-Based Food Vendors
& Power Plant Mall Restaurants for the entire Saturday
  • A bottle of San Miguel Super Dry, Premium All-Malt or Cerveza Negra
(For foodies 18 years old and above only)
  • Food Critic Ballot for voting your favorite food discoveries.
  • Donation to Rockwell's Typhoon Maring Beneficiaries
For more details about UTT Tickets, head on over to Our Awesome Planet's  ticket selling guidelines and frequently asked questions post and check out the complete details. 

I suggest that you purchase tickets as soon as possible because there will only be 1000 tickets for sale.

Foodies' Guide and UTT 2013 Participants:

Having enjoyed several Ultimate Taste Tests in the past, I have already made quite a game plan on how I can pretty much conquer every single item offered for the food critics. And it worked for me since there was never a time that I missed a single item on the list ( Food blogging is not easy, but someone got to do the hard work, yeah.)

So, if you want to create a game plan of your own, do check out Our Awesome Planet’s Foodies Guide to Conquering The Ultimate Taste Tests 2013 at Rockwell  and the List of Participants Concessionaires.

I have checked out the list of participants and my attention immediately landed to DIPLAHAN LECHON, since I have pretty much shared with you on this post how Diplahan Lechon shook me to the core. Needless to say, that will be my first target on the list.

I can spot several favorites and other promising participants on the list and it got me all the more excited, really. I cannot wait.

Few more days to go and all roads will lead to The Rockwell Tent as all foodies unite at The Ultimate Taste Test 2013

We hope to see you all there! 

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