YedyLicious X The Food Scout at CHInoy TV, Living Asia Channel

I rarely post photos of my big fat face here on the blog because as you may have known, there's no shortage of indulging fatty food photos here at YedyLicious. I figured we don't need another photos of anything fatty here, do we? 

But I am giving this one a go.

Reason being is, I am inviting you my dear friends to watch CHInoy TV this Sunday from 10am to 11am at Living Asia Channel with live streaming at from 10am to 10:30am.

My friend Jill of The Food Scout Blog and I, together with CHInoy TV host Jason Alexander Kiong will be showing you three amazing Chinese restaurants along Banawe in Quezon City. This particular segment of CHInoy TV is called Chinoy Chart, a count down of top brands under different categories. This Sunday, the spotlight is on food, Jill and I are more than happy to be part of it.

YedyLicious and The Food Scout at CHInoy TV Living Asia Channel and PTV 4 Network this Sunday at 10am to 11am. Banawe Quezon City Food Trip Lucky Rainbow Shark's Fin and Seafood Restaurant, Mandarin Sky Seafood and Shabu Shabu Restaurant, King Chef Seafood Restaurant

Before I head on to my behind the scene stories, here is a little background as to what CHInoy TV is all about, for those who are not familiar.

"CHInoy TV is the only Filipino Chinese television show that features Chinese heritage and how it harmonizes with the Filipino culture. It is committed to promote both cultures by featuring Filipino-Chinese lifestyle to its viewers and it is the only show that caters directly to the Filipino-Chinese community.

The show features about successful Chinese personalities, establishments, fashion, travel, entertainment and other happenings surrounding the Filipino-Chinese community."
~ Aisa Adenit, Chinoy TV Segment Producer
CHInoy TV is aired on these schedules:

Living Asia Channel (Cable)
Sunday 10-11am

Replays at
Tue and Thurs 11pm to 12 md and 5-6 pm
Sat 10:30- 11:30 am

PTV (Local Channel)
Sundays 10-10:30 am
live streaming at

Now, on to the behind the scene!

(Photos are taken by my parents who I was with during the entire shooting day, carrying my bags, driving me to the locations, feeding me more food while in the car even if the shooting entails more eating, the whole nine yard! I am a lucky gal! I love them with all my heart.)

I rarely agree to TV guesting invites as a food blogger because truth be told, having previously worked in local networks, I am more comfortable doing  my craft behind the scene (Scriptwriters represent!) But if the invite is for a show I watch and the shooting schedule fits mine, then I agree to it. Just like my previous guesting at GMA News TV's Poptalk last year. ( I rarely ride LRT, but I am a fan of the show and the shoot was an adventure in itself, I had fun!)

Since I also watch CHInoy TV every Sunday and I was told that I'll be with one of my food blogger friends Jill, I agreed to it given my free schedule.
Jill, Yedy, and Jason for CHInoy TV Living Asia Channel

First photo shown above is Jill of The Food Scout Blog and CHInoy TV host Jason. The second one is yours truly with the downright talented and very energetic host, Jason. 

These two I tell you, were really easy and so fun to work with. Jill is a commercial model, an ambassadress of different beauty brands, and a prolific food blogger. I love her because she's just so sweet and kind to everyone including my parents. Jason on the other hand is a young IT professional and host among many other. Jason showed us a mobile game app he created, talented, this boy is!

Jill of The Food Scout and Jason of CHInoy TV

So, the task was to feature three Chinese restaurants along Banawe area in Quezon City. It's pretty much like food blogging albeit verbalized opinion. We were asked about our thoughts on food quality, taste, ambiance, and so on.

I am only giving you a sneak peak of these restaurants. I tell you, we ate a lot during that day. Three restaurants with minimum of five dishes each! The details of the feast will be shown at CHInoy TV on Sunday so be sure to catch it.

Our first stop,

Lucky Rainbow Shark's fin & Seafood Restaurant
2nd floor, Z-Square Mall, 
Banawe street cor. Del Monte Ave, 
Quezon City.
Yedy, Jill, and Jason at Lucky Rainbow Shark's fin & Seafood Restaurant

Photo above shows our first restaurant feature. We were fed I think, five dishes which we were instructed to try everything. Serving portions were hefty so even if we were not required to finish everything, I still ended up really full.Don't get me wrong, I got an appetite of a man, but with the thought of having two more restaurants to go to, I got to play my dice wisely.

I am not used to eating while there's a camera rolling in front of me, like what I have said, I am always behind the scene when in come to show productions. But I was a woman with a mission that day. I just hope that they edited the part where I kept on talking and talking because it is ingrained in me that when the camera is on, dead air is just unacceptable. I just hope it wasn't overboard. (More chicka more fun, my peg that shooting day.) But I trust the creative staff of CHInoy TV, so I guess I'm safe.

Lechon Macau Lucky Rainbow Shark's fin & Seafood Restaurant

Of all the dishes we tried at Lucky Rainbow, there were two that in my opinion stood out; the Lechon Macau and the Scallops with Foie Gras.

The Lechon Macau was the best I have had in a long time while the Scallops with Foie Gras was one of the most unforgettable dish I have had in my blogging career! I promised myself to be back at Lucky Rainbow just so I could do a detailed food blog post about it.
Scallops with Foie Gras Lucky Rainbow Shark's fin & Seafood Restaurant

Next stop,

Mandarin Sky Seafood and Shabu Shabu Restaurant
478 Banawe Corner Simoun St, Quezon City
(near the Philippine Orthopedic Hospital)
Mandarin Sky  Seafood and Shabu Shabu Restaurant

During our next stop, Jill's other half O joined us. He's the one with camera shown on photo below. As expected, Mandarin Sky fed us with lots of food to be featured. By this time, my energy was so high being faced with beautifully presented food on the table. 
Mandarin Sky  Seafood and Shabu Shabu Restaurant

Same procedure follows. We were asked of our opinions about the food and the restaurant while feasting on these great dishes that Mandarin Sky lovingly prepared. I am so pleased that after the shoot, every one in the staff were happy enough to join us in the feast. Because seriously, great tasting food like these are meant to be shared! 
CHInoy TV at Mandarin Sky  Seafood and Shabu Shabu Restaurant

We feasted on seven dishes, all hefty servings, and then some desserts. We were more than 10 including the staff but still we were not able to finish all the food because aside from what was served for the shoot, the people behind Mandarin Sky were generous enough to bring out more food we would like to try.

Everything that was served on us was impressive. But my heart belongs to this rice dish topped with fish. Again, details will be given on the show. But let me just say that I am so willing to give up my birthday cake for the rest of life in exchange of this dish! 

It was that good! 
Mandarin Sky  Seafood and Shabu Shabu Restaurant

Another interesting dish which I also love is the one shown on photo below called "Chicken Laway" Aptly named because as what the people behind Mandarin Sky said "Maglalaway ka sa sarap!" 

This dish is more like steamed chicken with peanut sauce more than anything. And as much as I would love to describe this dish with all consuming passion, it is better if you watch us on Sunday instead. 
Mandarin Sky  Seafood and Shabu Shabu Restaurant

Last stop,

King Chef Seafood Restaurant
987-989 Banawe St, Quezon City

CHInoy TV at King Chef Seafood Restaurant

A food trip on Chinese restaurants would not be complete without some dimsum feast. I was happy that thy included King Chef Restaurant on our list because majority of my food blogger friends were raving about it. As a matter of fact, we are scheduled this month to pay King Chef a visit for some food tripping. I'll make sure to provide you with detailed blog post about it because we were told that King Chef is dishing out 100 kinds of dim sums. Somebody got to do the hard work, so we will brave that battle for our readers.
Jill, Jason, and Yedy at King Chef Seafood Restaurant

This was the last restaurant on our list and we were expecting to be fed "lightly" with dim sum. But light wasn't in their vocabulary because aside from the parade of different kinds of dim sum, we also got to try King Chef's rice meals, which I adore by the way!

King Chef Seafood Restaurant

One particular rice meal that got my heart skipped a beat was the salmon rice topping. It was so good I did had a hard time sharing it with my co hosts, to be honest. 

We also bumped into one of our good friend Spanky Enriquez, the man responsible for our foodie group's exposure to all things great and delicious. He recommended this particular dim sum which I ended up liking the most compared to other dim sums served to us.You will also get to see that on our CHInoy TV episode on Sunday.
King Chef Seafood Restaurant

The photo below shows the three of us host and guests discussing about King Chef's dim sums and a photo of Jason with CHInoy TV segment producer Angeleen. 

After the King Chef Feast, it was a wrap. There were still plenty of food served but most of us were too full to eat further, but we were grateful for the generosity. 

CHInoy TV at King Chef Seafood Restaurant

It was a tiring albeit fun day. It is not everyday that I get to voice out my opinion on food outside this little blog of mine so it was an experience in itself. I was lucky that I was able to work with Jill and Jason because their enthusiasm were very contagious. It was also fun having to worked with the staff and crew of CHInoy TV, all of them were friendly and professional to work with. It made me miss working on a TV network but for now, I am happy writing away my delicious experiences like this one here at YedyLicious.

So again, please do not forget to catch us on Sunday at CHInoy TV (Chinoy Chart segment). 


Living Asia Channel
Sunday, 10:00 to 11:00 AM
Channel 88 Global/Destiny
Channel 99 Sky/Home

PTV Channel 4 (Free-to-Air)
Sunday, 10:00 to 10:30 AM

Replay Schedules at Living Asia Channel
Tuesday - 11:00PM to 12:00MN
Thursday - 11:00PM to 12:00MN
Saturday - 10:30AM to 11:30AM
Thank you, friends!

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