What's on McDonald's Secret Menu? Here are Some Hints! #McDoSecretMenu

I am going to let you in on a little secret. Well, okay it's not really little because it's McDonald's we are talking about here. So, scratch that. I am going to let you in on a big secret here. It's about McDo Secret Menu.

Secret Menu? At McDonald's? I know. I know. Interesting, right? I have been itching to spill this since I got the news. I figured some hints will do for now. So, hear me out.
McDo Secret Menu Philippines, What's on McDonald's Secret Menu McDoSecretMenu, McDonald's Secret Menu Blog Review, McDonald's Philippines Secret Menu Online McDelivery Branches Contact No YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Starting November 17, 2017 (That's tomorrow kids, mark thy calendars!) McDonald's Philippines will launch its Secret Menu. It will be available from 10am to 4:30am for dine-in, take-out, drive-thru, or McDelivery at all McDonald's store nationwide. 

I am guessing most of us love almost everything on McDo's menu. But sometimes, there's that inevitable hankering for something new.

McDo Secret Menu is well, secret. So, it is only expected that there will be no promo materials about it at any McDonald's stores. Nada. Not even on their Social Media pages. None. 

How do you order the Secret Menu? All you have to do is ask the McDonald's friendly crew at the counter about the McDo Secret Menu and they will gladly assist you. 

McDo Secret Menu Philippines, What's on McDonald's Secret Menu McDoSecretMenu, McDonald's Secret Menu Blog Review, McDonald's Philippines Secret Menu Online McDelivery Branches Contact No YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Now if you are kind enough, spread the good news to your fellow McDo-loving friends. Better yet, make that trip to McDo and encourage everyone in your group to be adventurous and try everything on McDo Secret Menu

What's included on McDo Secret Menu? Check out the photos here for some hints. A little guessing game sounds fun, right? Go for it. Drop your guess on the comment section, if so inclined.

Then tomorrow, go to your favorite McDo store, discover the secret, and indulge on something new at McDo. 

McDo Secret Menu Philippines, What's on McDonald's Secret Menu McDoSecretMenu, McDonald's Secret Menu Blog Review, McDonald's Philippines Secret Menu Online McDelivery Branches Contact No YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Once you've tried McDo Secret Menu, feel free to come back here. I'll be posting a review and it would be fun to talk about it with you. 

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