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Showing posts with label Best Hotels in Manila. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Hotels in Manila. Show all posts

Hotel Jen Manila's Signature Dishes, Beverages, and Light Bites at Windows by the Bay

I recently had a staycation at Hotel Jen Manila and part of my itinerary was a dinner and cocktail at their Club Lounge's Windows by the Bay. I was to try out some of Hotel Jen's Signature Dishes and Beverages as well as some of their light bites that go perfectly well with cocktail drinks. There will be a separate blog post about my stay  in the coming days but I am telling you from the get-go, this particular dining experience at Window's by the Bay was one of the most enjoyable parts of my stay.

I have enjoyed Hotel Jen Manila's Windows by the Bay in the past and every visit yields a satisfying experience. From the service to the great food selections and cocktail drinks, everything was downright impressive.

Hotel Jen Manila Staycation Series 2018, Hotel Jen Manila's Signature Dishes, Beverages, and Light Bites at Windows by the Bay Blog Review YedyLicious Manila Food Blog, Hotel Jen Manila Accommodation Restaurants Rates Promo Review Signature Dishes Cocktails Buffet Club Lounge Latitude Lobby Lounge Kitsho Japanese Restaurant Best Blog Review Manila Philippines

Hence, I wasn't surprised at all that this recent visit was a memorable experience on its own. I was with my parents during this stay and even them had a great time. 

A Stay at Hotel Jen Manila

I remember I was hell-bent on finishing some tasks and beating writing deadlines that weekend so I deemed that a hotel stay was just perfect. I'll be away from the usual distraction when I work at home. So I was not expecting this stay at Hotel Jen Manila to be enjoyable since I need to get some work done. 

Little did I know, Hotel Jen Manila has a palpable charm and knack for making their guests' stay enjoyable and relaxing regardless if the guests are staying for business or some RnR.

Hotel Jen Manila by Shangri-La Blog Review Staycation, Best Hotels in Manila, Where To Stay in Manila, Hotel Jen Manila Rate Promo Address Contact No, Hotel Jen Buffet, Latitude Restaurant Buffet, Kitsho Restaurant and Sake Bar, Windows by the Bay, Hotel near Roxas Blvd. Hotel with Manila Bay View, Formery Traders Hotel, YedyLicious Manila Food Blog, Yedy Calaguas
Who would have thought that a weekend which was expected to be work-filled turned out to be one of my most satisfying hotel stays to date? I was able to get some work done and enjoyed what Hotel Jen has to offer as well. Talk about work-life balance, hey.

Staycation at Oakwood Premier Hotel Manila in Ortigas [Part Three]

So, we have arrived at the last part of my Staycation at Oakwood Premier Manila Blog Series. The last day of my stay at Oakwood was as nice as the first day having the Jazzy Sunday Brunch Buffet as its highlight. Bonus part was that I spent it with some of my favorite Manila food bloggers which I consider my family in this industry.

I admit that I had a great time recalling that weekend at Oakwood to weave stories to share with you. Although I do not have all the time in the world to finish writing everything in one sitting, I am glad that you have stayed with me. Good memories are not meant to be rushed, only savored. Thank you for your patience.

HOTEL STAYCATION IN MANILA BLOG SERIES: Jazzy Sunday Brunch at Oakwood Manila Ortigas, Staycation at Oakwood Premier Joy-Nostalg Center Manila in Ortigas Pasig City. One of the Best Hotels in Manla.
It tickles me to the bone that some of you sent me emails and messages through my Facebook page just to let me know that you are enjoying this mini series. Do not worry, I am working on making the comment system here at YedyLicious way easier to deal with. Meanwhile, you are always welcome to get in touch with me by any means we see fit. 

Staycation at Oakwood Premier Hotel Manila in Ortigas [Part Two]

On the first part of my Staycation at Oakwood Premier Manila in Ortigas blog post series, I let you in on a little tour of the One-Bedroom Deluxe which I have stayed in. I apologize if it took me a while to post this second part because well, life outside the cyberspace skyrocketed from being downright chill to notoriously demanding. But I am done complaining. I stole some time to make way finishing the second installment of this mini blog series.

So, where was I? Yes, right. We're done with the tour. Now, on to the back story.

HOTEL STAYCATION IN MANILA BLOG SERIES: Staycation at Oakwood Premier Manila in Ortigas Pasig City. One of the Best Hotels in Manla.
Morning of Saturday that I am scheduled to check in at Oakwood, I was at some photo shoot to finish the project I committed myself into. To say that I was exasperated even before the clock hits 12 would be an understatement. On my way to Oakwood, I grabbed a sandwich and commenced what was the first meal of my day while walking and running carrying one overnight bag and another one full of equipment. I met up with my mother so that they could drop me off at Oakwood.

Staycation at Oakwood Premier Hotel Manila in Ortigas [Part One]

One of the things I love doing for my blog aside from dining at restaurants is writing about hotel staycations here in Manila. So, when this month was welcomed with a weekend staycation at Oakwood Premier Manila in Ortigas, I know I have to make time even if it entails moving mountain. It is my birth month after all, I figured I could use a break from the usual.

Having experienced several themed buffets at Oakwood Premier Manila's Oakroom Restaurant, I have always been confident that they are well worth sharing here on my blog. I even hosted couple of giveaways out of Oakwood's generosity and belief that great food are meant to be shared. This time though, what I am sharing is my weekend staycation experience at Oakwood.

HOTEL STAYCATION IN MANILA BLOG SERIES: Staycation at Oakwood Premier Joy-Nostalg Center Manila in Ortigas Pasig City. One of the Best Hotels in Manla.
If you have been a long time reader, you know how enthusiastic I can get especially when it comes to telling some great experiences about my little adventures. Add to that the fact that I can get trigger happy when exposed to lovely surroundings with pleasant ambiance. Disclaimer though, as with most of the things I have shared here on YedyLicious, this is not a review, I am just sharing my stories with you. Yes, this is going to be a long post with lots of photos and I deem it is only apt to divide it into parts. And this first part right here is what I call, "A Little Tour of My Room at Oakwood."

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