Queso de Bola Cheesecake of Indulgence by Irene

Indulgence by Irene’s Queso de Bola Cheesecake has been the talk of some of our foodie friends for weeks now.  So, it’s easy for me to write about it by reiterating that yes, it has created quite a stir especially to most of the foodies I know.  But that is already a given fact.

INDULGENCE BY IRENE CHEESECAKES, Quezo de Bola Cheese Cake of Indulgence by Irene, Best Cheesecakes in Manila, Indulgence by Irene Blog Review Contact No Facebook Twitter Instagram
So instead, allow me to get personal by saying that the Queso de Bola Cheesecake of Indulgence by Irene was one of the most challenging food I have ever photographed. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves with that statement, I have reasons, if you read on, you will know. I promise.

Irene Co who is responsible for this delectable cheesecake happens to be the better half of one of my favorite food bloggers, Richard of Tales From The Tummy Blog.  Among the people whose taste buds and recommendations I trust the most, Richard is one of them.  So when he asked me if I would like to try Irene’s cheesecake, a big yes on my part was immediately dished out.

I already expected that the cheesecake was really something.  What I didn’t expect was that I’ll be having a hard time capturing it through my lens.

INDULGENCE BY IRENE CHEESECAKES, Quezo de Bola Cheese Cake of Indulgence by Irene, Best Cheesecakes in Manila, Indulgence by Irene Blog Review Contact No Facebook Twitter Instagram

No, it is NOT aesthetically challenged.  Purist may say that cheesecakes should not showcase lumps nor cracks on it.  For them, it is an assaulting sign of imperfection.  But flaws are what make certain things unique, it was what most of the time make them beautiful.  The tiny lumps on it were the first thing I noticed about Irene’s cheesecake.   A promise that bits and pieces of cheese are generously gracing the entire cake.  It was a promise fulfilled.
INDULGENCE BY IRENE CHEESECAKES, Quezo de Bola Cheese Cake of Indulgence by Irene, Best Cheesecakes in Manila, Indulgence by Irene Blog Review Contact No Facebook Twitter Instagram
What really sent me to go almost bonkers while photographing the thing was its enticing aroma.  Despite my tight grip on my camera, the smell of cheese that flooded my senses was enough for my entire body to weaken that camera almost fell off my hand.  A couple of clicks was already challenging that I feel the urge to slice the cake immediately not for photography purposes, but so that I could take a bite on it, pronto.
INDULGENCE BY IRENE CHEESECAKES, Quezo de Bola Cheese Cake of Indulgence by Irene, Best Cheesecakes in Manila, Indulgence by Irene Blog Review Contact No Facebook Twitter Instagram
After that first bite, a mad rush of camera shots were delivered, then the sensual overdrive while consuming my fair share of slice materialized.  Every bite was an essay on creaminess with a little bend brought about by the sharp taste of the Queso de Bola (Edam Cheese).  Not too sweet, nor too salty.  It has just the right amount of everything intertwined together to produce a taste that you would long for days after having it play in your palate.
INDULGENCE BY IRENE CHEESECAKES, Quezo de Bola Cheese Cake of Indulgence by Irene, Best Cheesecakes in Manila, Indulgence by Irene Blog Review Contact No Facebook Twitter Instagram

The rich flavor of the cake coupled with its dense structure makes the small size of 4 ½ inch surprisingly filling.  A 9 inch size is also available for those who has big appetites and/or would want to share them with their loved ones. 
INDULGENCE BY IRENE CHEESECAKES, Quezo de Bola Cheese Cake of Indulgence by Irene, Best Cheesecakes in Manila, Indulgence by Irene Blog Review Contact No Facebook Twitter Instagram
I am always confident that I have the virtue of patience in terms of food photography, but the Queso de Bola Cheesecake from Indulgence by Irene shook my world!  Yet, needless to say, I am happy with the mad photo shooting and cake indulging that transpired.

After all, I think, that was the whole point of it. Forget about everything, indulge.
INDULGENCE BY IRENE CHEESECAKES, Quezo de Bola Cheese Cake of Indulgence by Irene, Best Cheesecakes in Manila, Indulgence by Irene Blog Review Contact No Facebook Twitter Instagram
Indulgence by Irene's Queso de Bola Cheesecake is available in two sizes; 4.5 for Php200 and 9 inch for Php900.  They do pick ups at Magallanes and Ortigas area.  For more details, you may contact them at +63922-8303900/+63917-6225800 or visit and like their Facebook page IndulgencebyIrene.

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