Homemade Treasures Ensaymada, How Do I Love Thee?

Despite countless recommendation for best ensaymada in Metro Manila, there are only two ensaymada I normally enjoy; one is Diamond Hotel’s Ube Ensaymada for its luxurious decadence, the other one is Hizon’s Ensaymada for its pleasantly rich panache.  I have tried several other ensaymadas but still, these two are by far are the best, at least in my book. I guess I am loyal that way.

Then recently, I was introduced to Homemade Treasures Ensaymada.  I had a strong grip to the notion that this can be just another ensaymada which will try to lure me into including it to my top three best ensaymada but will fail miserably in the end.  Yet, after tasting a forkful of this impressively delicious treasure, dare I say, life is never the same again.

Homemade Treasures Ensaymada of Chona M. Ayson, Homemade Treasures Ensaymada, The Best Ensaymada in Manila, Homemade Treasures Ensaymada Contact no.,
Love at first bite can be such a cliché for foodies like us. But cliché is a cliché because it holds certain truth in it.  I was bitten by this cliché as I bit into Homemade Treasure Ensaymada’s cheesy and buttery glory. 

So, how do I love thee, you might ask.  With all respect to Elizabeth Barrett Browning, read on and let me count the ways.

I love Homemade Treasures Ensaymada the way a teen adores a childhood sweetheart.  The excitement of having bitten its fluffy and yielding texture for the first time translates to a giddy adoration. The bread is pleasingly soft yet not too airy. It has just the right amount of density pleasant to the bite. The aroma that wafts through the air as one pops it into the oven is all consuming that while it can weaken knees, it can on the other hand strengthen cravings.

Homemade Treasures Ensaymada of Chona M. Ayson, Homemade Treasures Ensaymada, The Best Ensaymada in Manila, Homemade Treasures Ensaymada Contact no.,

I love it the way a mother continues to love a prodigal son in a span that can even exceed a lifetime.  Sinfully buttery and luxuriously cheesy, Homemade Treasures Ensaymada is not for the faint of heart.  Smothered with creamy butter that penetrates every morsel as it melt.  Generous shreds of marka pato queso de bola graciously sat on top giving it a distinct cheesy taste. Granules of sugar regally sparkling hold an enormously sweet promise that one can expect in every bite.  Consuming its enticing richness in all its sinful glory is not encouraged for everyday consumption.  But with decent span of time, I really don’t mind welcoming this repeat offender.

I love it the way beautiful memories of long gone past should be treasured within the heart.  A very charming lady, Chona Ayson is the force behind Homemade Treasures.  Hailing from the town of Porac in Pampanga, her ensaymada is made from an heirloom recipe of her grandmother Amparo Aguas viuda de Mercado. A treasure in itself, it's a recipe that was carefully crafted and mastered way back in 1930’s, meant to be celebrated and savored up to this time and day.

Homemade Treasures Ensaymada of Chona M. Ayson, Homemade Treasures Ensaymada, The Best Ensaymada in Manila, Homemade Treasures Ensaymada Contact no.,

I love it the way I savor the melody of a meaningful song even after the music has stopped.   This ensaymada is the kind that one would long for days after savoring it. It's the kind that lingers. It’s the kind that one would never forget.
For orders, contact Chona Ayson of Homemade Treasures at mobile no. 0928-5070928. Pick up point, Makati Area. 

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