A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna

I’m one of those rare morning persons. I just love waking up early in the morning and getting ready before the city becomes busy with its roaring sounds and bustling cars. One of the best things about waking up early in the morning is getting to have a proper breakfast. 

I just love breakfast! You know what they say – it’s the most important meal of the day! It’s my favorite meal because it sets the mood for the rest of the day, that’s why I make an extra effort to prepare it.

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

And what screams breakfast more than a silog meal, right? It’s almost always a go-to when having breakfast meals (at least it is for me). And I’m constantly trying to improve on my hash and rice recipe, coming up with ways to make it better. 

After all those days of adventures in the kitchen, I think I found the perfect mix with it—San Marino Corned Tuna!  

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

The best thing about this is it’s a no-fuss recipe. You can literally make this in less than 15 minutes. This tuna breakfast is the easiest to prepare and the yummiest to eat! Also, it comes with awesome bonus of being healthy! What a perfect mix for breakfast!

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

This recipe is so easy and it calls for very few ingredients. You will only need one can of San Marino Corned Tuna and one medium size onion. To complete the meal, you'll also need some rice and egg, cooked to your liking. Garlic rice and sunny side up egg are great combination but since I am cutting down on my oil intake, I use the good ol' steamed rice. 

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Procedure is really easy. You just have to saute the San Marino Corned Tuna with onion for a few minutes until cooked. Top this mix into a rice bowl and finish it up with fried egg. And voila! You already have a hearty meal to start the day. 

San Marino Corned Tuna Hash

1 can San Marino Corned Tuna
1 medum size onion
oil for frying

bowl of your choice of rice
fried egg

1. Saute onion in hot oil until translucent 
2. Add the San Marino Corned Tuna, stir until cooked
3. Place hash tuna on top of rice bowl and serve with egg
4. Enjoy!

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

There are so many benefits to adding San Marino Corned Tuna in your breakfast. San Marino Corned Tuna has the delicious taste of corned beef and the health benefits of tuna. It adds more flavor and it blends perfectly with the rice and egg. But the best part of adding it is that you get to have a breakfast that’s good for the heart as it is rich in Omega-3! 

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Aside from San Marino Corned Tuna, there are other San Marino products that are well worth checking out such as San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread

There are several other easy recipes that we can all come up with these San Marino products and I am looking forward to share some with you in due course.

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Meanwhile, I highly suggest that you try the super easy San Marino Corned Tuna Hash recipe because not only it is delicious, but it is healthy as well.  So c’mon! Give it a try! I would love to know your thoughts on it. If you want more recipe ideas, check out www.facebook.com/SanMarinoCornedTuna.

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