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Showing posts with label Online Seller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Seller. Show all posts

The Spice Lab PH: Seafood Chili Garlic with Sausage and Mushroom

This Seafood Chili Garlic with Sausage and Mushroom of The Spice Lab PH and I, are in some kind of a happy relationship. Surprising to say since there are countless of times that I mentioned here at YedyLicious that I never fancy spicy food that much. Until recently.

I guess the timing is just perfect. I am finally outgrowing my aversion to spicy food. Some say it has something to do with maturity of the palate, others considered the usually cold weather to where I am residing right now. While I am not sure of the reason for the change in preference, what I am sure of is that I am having a grand time with my bottle of Seafood Chili Garlic from The Spice Lab PH.

The Spice Lab PH Seafood Chili Garlic Sauce
The Spice Lab PH is newly established local food brand which specializes in hand crafted sauces. Their current product list includes Premium XO Sauce, Original Seafood Chili Garlic, Seafood Chili Garlic w/ Lemongrass, and Seafood Chili Garlic w/ Sausage & Mushroom

Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe

Of all the sweet native Filipino delicacies there is, I would have to say that Pastillas is definitely my favorite. I always admire it for its simplicity and delicately sweet taste. Pastillas recipe usually calls for sugar and milk, and that's it. While you cannot do much about it, you can have it toasted. Just like what MAJ Sweet Shoppe dishes out for their customers; Toasted Pastillas.

Pastillas, A Native Filipino Sweet Delicacy Pastillas Has Given A New Twist Through Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe
It was weeks back when I was given packs of Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe to try. Purist may say that pastillas should be delicately soft with just enough resistance to the bite for its sugar-laden outer covering. But then in Bulacan, one of the places I know that take their pastillas seriously, they do have this pastillas "tostado". This is pretty much the same thing.

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