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Showing posts with label Yummies by M. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yummies by M. Show all posts

Salted Egg Chips of Yummies by M

I have my own salted egg potato chips recipe so I have not really jumped into the quest for finding the best salted egg chips in Manila. Yet, I could say that I have tried quite a handful of salted egg chips brands available in the Philippine market since the trend started. Some were good, while others sadly fell short.

The recent one I have tried was the Salted Egg Chips of Yummies by M. And no beating around the bush here - it's amazing. Hands down, it was the best store-bought salted egg chips I have tasted to date.

Salted Egg Chips Yummies by M. Where To Buy The Best Salted Egg Chips in Manila Blog Review Price, Salted Egg Potato Chips Recipe, YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas
So what makes this salted egg chips special? Glad you asked.

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