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Breakfast at Yellow Bird Cafe

Ever since my mother and my sister passed away, meal times during weekends are mostly spent outside whenever we can. Eating at home with just my father and my nephew can sometimes feel lonely. We miss my mother's cooking and my sister's company. To somehow lessen the sadness, we eat out.

I've written about Yellow Bird Cafe and Kitchen before. It's one of the homegrown cafes and restaurants in Antipolo City. But it is often overlooked because of the many commercial cafes and restaurants popping in the area fast.  

Yellow Bird Cafe and Restaurant in Antipolo City Blog Review by YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Philippines of Yedy Calaguas, Yellow Bird Cafe Antipolo Menu Address Contact No Promo Prices Discount, Best Cafe and Restaurants in Antipolo City, Manila Philippines
One weekend, we decided to have breakfast at Yellow Bird. Very convenient because it is near home and it's just a stone's throw away from Transfiguration Chapel where we attend mass. 

Miguel's Garden Cafe

You know that feeling when you are going for one thing but ended up stumbling upon something which makes the experience all the more perfect? We had that kind of experience when we chanced upon Miguel's Garden Cafe in Antipolo City

Miguel's Garden Cafe Antipolo City, A Blog Review by YedyLicious Manila Food Blog of Yedy Calaguas

We were dead set on having a nice afternoon coffee and some light snack while enjoying a really great view. It turns out, the place we had on mind could only offer great view and none of the things we want to feast on to tide us over before we hit dinner. 


It's been a long while.  This space is already gathering dust.

I could wax poetic about the food that nourished my body and travels that fed my soul, to compensate for a year of absence. But the reality is, it took me a shitload of courage to hit that New Post button and start to write. 

Early last year, my younger sister passed away. Six months after that, we also lost my mother. I wish there's more eloquent way to say it - to soften the blow. This is the first time I am putting this into writing, after all.  But I am so spent and that's all I've got.

Most days, I would wake up and I still cannot make sense of what happened. The pandemic we all fear at that time doesn't even have anything to do with it. 

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