The Good Juice PH: My Detox Experience

I have to admit, prior to deciding on writing about The Good Juice PH, I was under the notion that as a food blogger, I may not be the right fit to share my thoughts on it. What does a food blogger who spend most of her waking time trying different food – fatty or not – has to do with juicing healthy drinks meant for detoxification?

Then I figured, that is exactly the point.

Of all the people who should be doing detox from time to time, us food enthusiasts should be it.

The Good Juice PH Healthy Detox Drink Manila, Supplement Cleanse Detox Juicing, The Good Juice PH Contact No. Prices. Detox Juice. Fruit and Veggie Juices. Juicing in Manila. Sophie Sumner for The Good Juice PH

We expose our system to varieties of edible things we could take – out of curiosity and sheer pleasure of eating. And admittedly, sometimes, we can get overboard. Hence, detoxifying every now and then make sense.  So what does a fatty food blogger like me has to say about the benefits of detox juice? Trust me on this, a lot.

Friends who are also into detox diet informed me that there are certain preparations to go through before doing a juice cleansing. Minimizing fat and protein intake, ditching alcohol and nicotine, maximizing water and herbal tea consumption, are just some of the things needed before jumping into a day of juice cleansing.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

I was already into Intermittent Fasting I.F. (which is a different story altogether) prior to my Good Juice PH cleanse, so preparation came easy for me. Ms. Ghia of The Good Juice PH supplied me with 5 bottles of The Good Juice PH which is just perfect for my one day detox.

Although I do not usually have problems dealing with vegetables and fruits, I was still under the impression that detox juices made out of these goodies taste as bad as life without bacon well, grass.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

Surprisingly, The Good Juice PH tastes great, it felt like I was just consuming the liquid version of the fruits and veggies I love. Which make sense because hey, these are freshly squeezed juice from fresh organic veggies and fruits – totally devoid of artificial flavorings and other chemical thingamajigs.

The things that made a bottle of juice is nicely printed on The Good Juice’s label so you would know what exactly it is that you are drinking.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

The juices I was given were Golden Burst, Power Juice, Tropical Plunge, and Beet It. The Beet It came in two bottles which I am thankful because aside from the amazingly refreshing flavor of the Golden Burst, it was the Beet It variant that surprised me a lot. I am not a big fan of Beet in general, but The Good Juice PH made it into something I can dig.

I originally planned to stretch these five bottles of The Good Juice for one day accompanied by water and herbal tea in between.  However, I ended up drinking just four bottles of it because during dinner time, I was already full, to my surprise, so I skipped the last bottle.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

I am not sure if the satiety I experienced the whole day has something to do with the fact that I am already used to fasting (believe it or not) or because these juice are really filling as it is. I would like to believe that it's the latter since when I am practicing the Intermittent Fasting, hunger fangs would usually rear its ugly head from time to time.

So I guess it's the juice that kept me satiated the whole day. Eight glasses of water and three glasses of warm herbal tea, also stretched the whole day also helped, I think.

I also noticed that during the detox, I still have enough energy to do my usual routine. I was still able to attend to project that required brainstorming, photo shooting, and carrying some camera equipment. I was told that it is not advisable to do heavy work during detox, I am not sure if by heavy work load they mean operating a bulldozer or what. But I did fine with my 5 hours of work that day, so there.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

The day after The Good Juice PH detox, I woke up feeling light and energized than usual. The difference was glaring since waking up really hungry and with a sluggish feeling is not a strange experience for me.  

After my Good juice detox, there was no dreading feeling of extreme hunger I normally have the morning after my usual fasting. Even if I broke the fast with just a light meal that morning, it felt like I have enough energy to last me the whole day. It was the kind of feeling suggesting that you are in your optimum health - inside and out.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

Another effect of the detox which I really really love was they way it magically cleared my skin. Prior to the cleanse, I had a little break out on my forehead. The next day, it dried up fast. That never happened to me before, I swear. My skin is not really prone to break outs nor acne except when it's time of the month or if I lack sleep, so I am very particular when I have one. I could say that this juice detox thing beats the hell out of the expensive cream that treats break out.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

I only tried the one-day Good Juice cleanse and I must say that its effects were noticeable. I know my body well so little things like the mentioned effects matter to me. Loosing weight is not something I had in mind when I got into the one-day detox stint, I just want to cleanse my system from all the food I have been eating. But I was told that regular detoxification through juicing could yield weight loss success stories. That, I will still have to try.

While I am aware that one day was not enough, I could only imagine how great it will feel if I do this juice cleansing by The Good Juice PH more often. It also matters to me that The Good Juice taste great, delicious even. If one does not aim to go through a day or two of detoxification, Good Juice can be treated as your usual juice drink that will pump you with the energy you need for the day.

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet

It was my first time to do a juice detox cleanse and I am glad that I did it with The Good Juice. It provided me with a great experience that makes me look forward to the next detox process I will be undergoing. No wonder that while they are relatively new in the business, they already built great deal of followers including some of well-known celebrities like America's Next Top Model Cycle 18 winner, Sophie Sumner.

Speaking of Sophie Sumner, I was informed that she will be having a travel show coming this January 2015 entitled "Fill It Up", which will be shown at GMA News TV. The Good Juice PH is one of the sponsors of the show since Sumner is an avid drinker of The Good Juice, making her one of its celebrity endorsers. Check out Sophie Sumner's Instagram account (@sophiesumner8), you'll see several IG posts bout The Good Juice PH, she's really into it, I must say!

The Good Juice PH, Nature's Benefits in a Bottle. Healthy Detox Juice Cleanse. Juice Detox in Manila. Juicing in Manila. Best Cleansing Juice in Manila. Juice Detox Cleansing Diet
Photo courtesy of Ms. Ghia of The Good Juice PH
So if you are looking into trying juice detox cleanse, I suggest you give The Good Juice a try. Especially with the coming holidays, we should arm ourselves with a healthy system and energized body before we dive straight to the rush. And after all the festive eating this season, we can count on The Good Juice for the cleanse we need to face the new year ahead. 

Sizes and prices:
260ml Php140
360ml Php190
510ml Php260


Carrot, Cucumber, Apple, Ginger, Lemon

Pineapple, Apple, Orange, Lemon, Kale

Watermelon, Pineapple, Mango, Apple, Kale

Beet, Malunggay, Parsley, Apple, Pineapple, Ginger, Lemon, Orange

Kale, Spinach, Celery, Malunggay, Cucumber, Ginger, Lemon, Apple, Pineapple

Cucumber, Apple, Parsley, Spinach, Pineapple, Lemon

Lemon, Organic Cayenne Pepper, Organic Maple Syrup, Sea Salt, Alkaline Water, Organic Chia Seeds

260ml Php70, 360ml Php100, 510ml Php150

To order, you may text/Viber contact no. 0917-8420414.

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