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Showing posts with label Healthy Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Diet. Show all posts

Salad in a Jar by Healthy Monsters PH

Healthy Monsters PH is a healthy meal delivery service in Manila that specializes in salad in a jar and cold-pressed healthy juices. I was thought this technique of putting your salad veggies in a jar if you want it to last longer than usual by some vegan friends way back and little did I know, there is already a business that offers it. 

Healthy Monsters PH uses locally sourced organic ingredients for their salads and the thing that I find most noteworthy is the fact that they made they own salad dressings.

Salad in a Jar by Healthy Monsters PH
Despite my undying love for meat, dealing with veggies has never been a problem for me. I grew up in the mountain, we plant our own veggies back home, I grew up loving salads. So this one, I am happy to share with you since it's right up my alley.

The Good Juice PH: My Detox Experience

I have to admit, prior to deciding on writing about The Good Juice PH, I was under the notion that as a food blogger, I may not be the right fit to share my thoughts on it. What does a food blogger who spend most of her waking time trying different food – fatty or not – has to do with juicing healthy drinks meant for detoxification?

Then I figured, that is exactly the point.

Of all the people who should be doing detox from time to time, us food enthusiasts should be it.

The Good Juice PH Healthy Detox Drink Manila, Supplement Cleanse Detox Juicing, The Good Juice PH Contact No. Prices. Detox Juice. Fruit and Veggie Juices. Juicing in Manila. Sophie Sumner for The Good Juice PH

We expose our system to varieties of edible things we could take – out of curiosity and sheer pleasure of eating. And admittedly, sometimes, we can get overboard. Hence, detoxifying every now and then make sense.  So what does a fatty food blogger like me has to say about the benefits of detox juice? Trust me on this, a lot.

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