Angono Food Crawl at Pop Talk GMA News TV

It's all about good food with a little bit of art at tonight's Angono Food Crawl episode of Poptalk, GMA News TV Channel 11 at 8pm. Our favorite host Kuya Tonipet will be joined by actress Coleen Perez, vlogger/model Wil Dasovich, and myself as the guest food blogger.

I'm just going to keep this short and sweet as I am currently nursing a mean flu coupled with some ill bouts of asthma attacks. Yep, chills and incessant coughing while I am typing this, the struggle is real I tell you. But in due course, I will be sharing with you some behind-the-scene snapshots and stories of our shoot.

Angono Food Crawl at Pop Talk GMA News TV
It's my second time to have a guesting at Pop Talk but compared to our LRT 1 Food Trip before, this Angono Food Crawl is close to my heart since I spent most of my growing years in this humble town tagged as the Artist Paradise before moving elsewhere to study and work. So this is pretty special to me.

Angono Food Trip at Pop Talk
As with any Poptalk episodes, there will be three restaurants which will be featured and rated. I wouldn't spill it here to keep your curiosity. So expect too much food porn on your TV sets tonight. 

It was my first time to visit these restaurants in Angono Rizal and our shoot made me excited to launch Angono Food Trip Blog Series here on my blog which will go along with my on-going Antipolo Food Blog Series.

Restaurants in Angono Rizal at Pop Talk GMA News TV
There's too much good food in this part of Rizal, like this awesome fried chicken shown in photo below. And there's too much amazing Arts too. That, you will get to see at Poptalk tonight at 8pm, so be sure to tune in.

Amazing Food in Angono Rizal
I still have a lot of stories and photos to share about our Angono Food Crawl Poptalk adventure, but I'm gonna save that for future blog post once I'm all well and good. 

Meanwhile, please do not forget to catch Poptalk tonight, 8pm at GMA News TV Channel 11. 

Salamat po!
Pop Talk, Kuya Tonipet, Yedy Calaguas, Coleen Perez, and Wil Dasovich
Poptalk at GMA NEWS TV Channel 11, 8pm with host Kuya Tonipet Gaba. For more information about Poptalk, you my visit their Facebook page (/PopTalkNewsTV) and follow them on Instagram and Twitter @gmanetwork @gmapublicaffairs @gma_pa @PopTalkNewsTV @kuyatonipet.

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