Staycation at B Hotel Alabang and Bellevue Manila [Day Two]

Our second day of hotel staycation at B Hotel in Alabang started with a breakfast buffet spread completely devoid of bacon.

My cousin Euge was already giving me an evil stare while contemplating on literally dragging me to the nearest establishment that could give him his daily bacon fix.

I feared for my life at some point. Those stares were gut wrenching, I tell you.

Good thing though that despite the bacon’s illuminating absence on the buffet spread of B Hotel’s Prime Café, it can be had.

All you need to do is ask.

HOTEL STAYCATION IN MANILA. Staycation at B Hotel Alabang and Bellevue Hotel Manila. Breakfast Buffet at Prime Cafe in B Hotel Alabang. Lunch Buffet at Cafe D Asie in Bellevue Manila. Azurea Spa at Bellevue Manila. Chorizo de Cebu. Angus Beef Tapa by Jam Foods Inc. Vue Bar at Bellevue Manila. Kat's Cafe
While I was being glared at with an evil stare, I was already fumbling through my phone in an attempt to contact my ever reliable friend, The Pickiest Eater, the bacon aficionado himself to save us from an impending doom of bacon-less world when another good friend Abet of The Food Alphabet came in to the rescue.

He told us that the friendly staff at Prime Cafe will be more than happy to cook bacon for every guests that will request for it.

The B Hotel's staff, well, they've been accommodating and friendly to us since day one. I love the fact that not all of them are aware who are the bloggers who were hosted to stay at their hotel (It helps that I have a forgettable face) because it gives me a sense of satisfaction that all guests are treated the same way.

B Hotel Alabang Staycation
So, going back to the breakfast buffet, accommodation at B Hotel always includes a buffet breakfast at their restaurant Prime Café. The buffet is open from 6 in the morning up until 10am. You may stay beyond that time but the buffet spread would no longer be replenished.

I woke up around 7am, took a shower, and finished some of my work I carried with me while waiting for my cousin to wake up.

Around 8:30am I can feel my stomach cursing so I braved waking up Euge.

Euge, my cousin, is a really big guy with an imaginary tag on his forehead that reads “Wake Me Up and All Hell Will Break Loose.”

Or something to that effect.

Prime Cafe at B Hotel Alabang
Yes, I am a big girl myself.

But Euge is a big guy, with a serious face that can put all known drug lords to shame.

I strategically broke into a song in the hope of waking up Euge, but due to fear I may have done it half-assed. It was only during the time that I was perceiving the paper I was working on as crisp wonton wrapper that I took the risk.

No, I didn't ate the paper.

By the time that Prime Café is 99% full, we were seated on our table waiting for our coffee to be served.

Breakfast Buffet at B Hotel Alabang

The buffet spread had a decent choices of breakfast fare. Decent enough to accommodate hungry guests aiming to fuel themselves as they face the day.

I had their mini croissant which buttery flavor and flaky soft texture went well with the scrambled egg with chives and strips of seaweeds. I also had some cold cuts and slices of Swiss cheese.

The mini sausage was quite impressive but what blew my mind away was the pork and beans which appearance can be easily passed off as the commercialized variant we usually get in some grocery store, but the flavor was just the bomb. It had chunks of crisp pork belly, needless to say I was sold.

I also had a hearty bowl of congee. Because I eat like a construction guy for breakfast. True story.

Congee at Prime Cafe B Hotel Alabang
The bacon situation that shook our world at the onset of our breakfast was immediately replaced with happy sunshiny memories of bacon.

Lots of it.

Bacon, Bacon, and More Bacon at Breakfast Buffet in Prime Cafe
Euge, in his defense, reverted back to his usual happy (still, the serious face) and nice self when the bacon was served. I, on the other hand was this close to doing a standing ovation and breaking into a teary-eyed applause.

The kindly Prime Cafe staff who attended to our table told us that guests may have as much bacon as they want. They serve bacon, freshly cooked based on the guests preferences. Now I got it.

Then the clouds parted, giving way to the cherubims singing.

Bacon at Breakfast Buffet in Prime Cafe
Armed with bacon and cheery disposition in life, we headed back to the buffet spread to grab something that will make our bacon not feel lonesome on its plate.

I figured we need to load up because we had a long day ahead.

Then I realized, who am I kidding? It will be a long day ahead filled with food.

Yeah, but I still finished my breakfast anyway.

Rice, Cold Cuts, Egg, Bangus Breakfast Buffet at Prime Cafe B Hotel Alabang
We were done having breakfast at 10am.

By 11:30 we were at the Bellevue Manila's Cafe 'D Asie for a scheduled early lunch buffet.

Lunch. Buffet.

An hour and a half after the breakfast buffet.


Cafe D' Asie at Bellevue Hotel Manila in Alabang
Cafe D' Asie Lunch Buffet deserves a separate post of its own, so if you've been here and following my staycation blog post series, you know the drill. If it's your first time, I encourage you to check out the coming posts and check out what this hardcore food tripping was all about.

After the lunch some of us were scheduled to go to Enchanted Kingdom to try their newest rides and then indulge on more food.

I was supposed to join the group who will be going on a joy ride to E.K. but the sweltering heat of the sun that afternoon was too much to handle that I begged off.

Not out of vanity, I have a medical condition that hinders me from enjoying the glorious rays of the magnificent sun. I think I may have mentioned that before.

Lunch Buffet at Cafe D' Asie
So instead, we went back to our suite.

While it is ideal to tell you that we just spent our free time getting some rest from all the feasting that transpired, I cannot lie.

Because the truth is, we headed back to our suite and I was talked into cooking the Chorizo de Cebu and Angus Tapa by Jam Foods that were handed to us during our lunch.

These two products were part of the generous sponsors that Jane arranged for us to meet.

Somebody wanted to do a photoshoot of the products right there and then, and I, being the easily-swayed-by-enthusiasm-kind-of-girl got excited that I found myself working the pan.

Angus Tapa by Jamfoods and Chorizo de Cebu
It was my first time to cook on a staycation.

How did that happened was way beyond me. Oh yeah right, I got easily swayed by enthusiasm.

What I clearly remembered however was that the staff at B Hotel were very helpful in providing us cooking stuff. They even asked us if we need condiments and such.

Since I am already familiar with Jamfoods Angus Tapa, I knew then that no condiments were needed. Same goes for the Chorizo de Cebu. We just bought some garlic rice and fried egg for styling.

And we ate them too, by the way.

Chorizo de Cebu and Angus Tapa by Jamfoods
After feasting on the tapa and chorizo, the E.K. group was still nowhere in sight and we still have plenty of time before dinner.

We thought the eating must stop at least for a while, so we decided to go to the spa instead.

We were supposed to join our friends Chuckie and Yen, but due to the cooking stint I had on our suite, we decided to have them resched. We have to thank the sweet couple because they made the rescheduling for us.

So, to the Azurea Spa located at The Bellevue Manila, we went. Thanks to the efficient and reliable shuttle service provided for all guests of B Hotel and Bellevue Manila. Seriously, the shuttle service was commendable!

Azurea Spa
Anyway, all of us are entitled to a one hour relaxing massage. But I decided on the rejuvenating foot spa instead because I was so full during that time that I feared I might got into a deep slumber and never wake up again.

Kidding! I just love love love foot spa more than massage.

The staff at Azurea Spa were all equally accommodating and friendly. I was given ginger tea with lemon grass which I love to the core while waiting for the room to be set up.

At some point my wild imagination teased and got me into thinking that the staff were so thoughtful and attentive I feared they might hand me plateful of food just to please me.

I prayed that will not happen because if anymore food appeared in front of me, I will literally punch my self on the face.

It didn't happen.

When I was inside the room, the spa staff meticulously prepared the things she will be using. I saw some pumice, exfoliator, oil, scrub, the whole she bang.

Foot Spa at Azurea Spa
There was also a bin half filled with hot water with tea bag on it.

I was asked to soak my feet. The hot water was, well, hot.

At first dip I figured the hotness level of the water was beyond my threshold that it got me into thinking they meant to use my fat feet to prepare some juicy and really fat pork knuckle.

It became a running joke among my cousin, the staff, and I.

But Azurea Spa meant well. They adjusted the water to the tolerable degree and then the scrubbing time began.

I appreciate the endearing friendliness of the spa attendant assigned to me.

The tattoo on my left leg fueled the conversation half the time.

The other half, I was busy thanking sponsors and posting photos on my Instagram account (follow me, @yedylicious)

Relaxing Foot Spa at Azurea Spa
By the time that we were done with the spa, everyone was gathered at the poolside for our barbecue dinner buffet.

Almost an hour and a half without food was good leeway enough, but before digging in to the buffet, I took my own sweet time taking photos, chatting with some friends, and just enjoying the night.

Then the smell of barbecue got the best of me.

Poolside at Bellevue Manila
Food attendants and chefs were more than happy to prepare the dinner for us. There were plenty of choices already on the grill but we can still choose whatever we want and have them grill it for us.

Barbecue Buffet Dinner at Bellevue Manila
There were plenty of seafood.

All kinds of fish, shrimps, squids, etcetera.

Seafood Barbecue Buffet at Bellevue Manila
It was also a feast of meat.

Carnivores rejoiced. Including me.

Meat Barbecue Buffet at Bellevue Manila
More seafood and meat. I swear, our group was big but we never run out of food to eat.

Aside from the grill station, they also set up a buffet spread, albeit of limited choices, but good enough. Really good enough.

Barbecue Buffet by the Poolside of Bellevue Manila
Of all the choices on the spread, I like the chicken salad, corn on a cob with to die for butter and cream sauce, satay, and of course, prawns.

The lighting at the poolside during nighttime was charming, but not photographer friendly despite the presence of speed light. Hence, I need to thank Yen for providing lights while I take photos.

Barbecue Buffet
After the dinner at the poolside I was supposed to join the tour to Carmen's Best but decided against it because I promised dear Jane that I will join them should they visit Vue Bar also located at Bellevue.

And they did, so I went.

Night at Vue Bar of Bellevue Manila
Had I not stuffed my self silly the entire day, I could stare Johnnie in its sleek black label right through its eyes without flinching.

But a drunk me is a sight not for public consumption, hence, I settled for a coffee.

Coffee in a bar, yes.

Don't laugh. It was spiked with Remi Martin Cognac.

It was good. Really good.

Vue Bar
We were enjoying a little chat at Vue bar when the group who went to Carmen's Best came and it was fun time again.

Another minute or so, the generous owners of Kat's Cafe, the same folks who sent us boxes of delicious cupcakes during our first night, visited us this time to give us a boxes of cream puffs and molten souffle.

The generosity of people that weekend was astounding.

cream puffs and molten souffle of Kats Cafe
It was a long day and as much as we want to stay at Vue Bar to chat the night away, we still have activities for tomorrow which was sadly the last day of staycation.

The shuttle of B Hotel is only until midnight and since it was way passed that time, Bellevue were kind enough to provide shuttle for us.

Then were back again to our suite.

And fall into a deep and satisfying slumber.


We ate Kat's Cafe Souffle.

And the remaining of the Angus Tapa and the Chorizo de Cebu we cooked that afternoon.

We are hardcore that way.

B Hotel Alabang Penthouse Suite

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B Hotel

Address: 2107 Prime Street, Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa

Contact No.: 828.8181


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Facebook: B Hotel Alabang

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